Then Tuesday rolled around. Their car was still in the shop. So I was recruited once more to take Heather into work. Cool, no big deal, we'll stop at Starbucks again. :) I was all ready to go and then I get in my car annnnd it wouldn't start. IT WOULDN'T START! How does this happen?? They have car troubles and then I get sucked in the bad karma loop and now I have car trouble! What the heck? Now, I'm just annoyed. Literally, minutes before I went in my car my Mom asked me if I wanted to take her car to work instead today to save on gas. My parents have a Chevy Volt. Literally, no gas would have to be used for my commute but I declined. Well, here I go back into the house asking my Mom if I can take her car. Thank goodness there was an extra car to take! Without it, Heather and I both would have been stranded. Alas, we made it to and from work again safely and her car will be out of the shop tomorrow. Thank the Lord! Now I just have to figure out what's going on with mine :/ I'll be sure to keep you updated.
To top off my day, it's raining. Not just little sprinkles of rain but buckets of rain pouring down, thunder-storming. Oy. I just want to be home with a good book and a cozy blanket right now.
I think we need a spa know, when we have vehicles to drive there!